
New Hydrogen Station in Nykvarn Accelerates the Shift to Fossil-Free Transport

Mar 5, 2025

A new public refueling station for green hydrogen is officially inaugurated today in Nykvarn by Hydri, a subsidiary of Qarlbo Energy. The station will serve as a key hub in the growing network of hydrogen refueling stations, strengthening the potential for developing the hydrogen-powered transport of the future.

The station is part of a larger network of refueling stations that Hydri is establishing, with a focus on heavy transport. However, hydrogen-powered passenger cars can also refuel at the station.

The transport sector accounts for approximately 30% of Sweden’s total emissions, and the government has highlighted hydrogen as a key solution for achieving climate targets. The station in Nykvarn connects the Stockholm region to Hydri’s growing network of hydrogen refueling stations and strengthens the emerging logistics cluster south of Stockholm.

With the inauguration in Nykvarn, Hydri now has three public hydrogen refueling stations in operation. More stations are planned to open within the next year, including one at Nyköpingsbro, further securing the supply of green hydrogen in the Stockholm region and beyond.

"Refueling infrastructure for green hydrogen is a crucial piece of the puzzle in the transition of the transport sector, especially for heavy-duty transport. Electrification alone is not enough, and multiple energy sources are needed to complete the transition. The station in Nykvarn plays an important role by connecting the Stockholm region to the national network and supporting Scania’s development of hydrogen-powered trucks."
– Michel Thomas, CEO of Qarlbo Energy

“Scania is driving the transition to sustainable transport and hydrogen is one of the solutions we are exploring and testing within the framework of Scania Pilot Partner. The refueling station in Nykvarn is not only an important resource for our development of hydrogen-powered vehicles, but also for the entire region. Through initiatives like this, we are helping to accelerate the transition to green transport.”
– Tony Sandberg, Vice President Scania Pilot Partner, Scania.

Nykvarn Municipality has been a committed partner in the project since the start and sees the establishment as an important part of the municipality's sustainability work and attractiveness for the business community.

"Sustainable transport is a key to a greener future, and companies have a central role in driving this change. Through initiatives such as this hydrogen refueling station in Nykvarn Municipality, we show, together with Hydri and Scania, that innovation and sustainability go hand in hand. We want to encourage more companies to take the step and thereby be part of the solution - together we can create a stronger, more climate-smart region and pave the way for future transport solutions."
- Märtha Dahlberg, Chair of the Municipal Board, Nykvarn Municipality.

Michel Thomas, CEO Qarlbo Energy

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